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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron macrophyllum D.Don ex G.Don
Collector/Expedition: Justice, C.L.
Collection date: 1st October 1996
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: United States
Barcode: E00038019
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. Ss ® Pa i o 77) oO h_ — = Db = Py a. ° iS) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 0100 aN a a ceeeereenel ERRINGTON Ro, The University of British Columbia (UBC) PLANTS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA jf sy WW s Rhododendron macrophyllum Don ps : ye Rhododendron Lake Ecological Reserve, Parksville/Nanoose ee : ane Bay, Vancouver Island. Growing at lake edge on gravel mineral IRN — he . oe slopes, semi-peat bog conditions, among Tsuga heterophylla, ye ae can Thuja plicata, Chamaecyparis nootkatensis, with Malus douglasii, i ; 4 : & mo00) Myrica gale, and Ledum. This is one of 2 occurrences. The second, \ i / | sovo on upper Nanaimo Lake is now gone (lake was dammed and Rhodos. I a Se uoIsIAIG ADG JSOMUJJON flooded out in the 1950's). 49°20'N; 124°15'W 4 October 1996 * Coll. & Det. Clive L. Justice
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron macrophyllum D.Don ex G.Don
Collector/Expedition: Justice, C.L.
Collection date: 20th September 1996
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: United States
Barcode: E00038020
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. ie) a | B fo} a cf i) ae CZ a) Oh} =] = ~ O° i copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ’ + ‘ The University of British Columbia (UBC) PLANTS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Rhododendron macrophyllum Don Manning Park, Upper Skagit River, Cascade Mountains. f 4-6 ft. high rangy shrubs with equal spread, in old river wash area, in sand and gravel soil among second growth Tsuga heterophylla and Pseudostusa menziesii, with occasional Menziesia ferruginea, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Linnaea borealis and Chimaphila. 49° 20'N; 120° 50'W. Elevation 2,500 ft. 20 September 1996 Coll. & Det. Clive L. Justice
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron macrophyllum D.Don ex G.Don
Collection date: April 1996
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Garden collecting location: C11 - Pinus cembra - Edinburgh
Verbatim garden collecting location: C11:Copse and Oak Lawn Areas
Barcode: E00269198
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 19690512A
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron macrophyllum D.Don ex G.Don
Collection number: 204
Collection date: 22nd January 2007
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Garden collecting location: C11 - Pinus cembra - Edinburgh
Verbatim garden collecting location: C11:Copse and Oak Lawn Areas
Barcode: E00247026
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 19690512A
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron macrophyllum D.Don ex G.Don
Collection number: 212
Collection date: 22nd January 2007
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Garden collecting location: C11 - Pinus cembra - Edinburgh
Verbatim garden collecting location: C11:Copse and Oak Lawn Areas
Barcode: E00247042
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 19790084E
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron macrophyllum D.Don ex G.Don
Collector/Expedition: Edinburgh, Howick Expedition to British Columbia (EHBC),
Collection number: 15
Collection date: 25th August 2016
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Canada
Barcode: E01021505
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron macrophyllum D.Don ex G.Don
Collector/Expedition: Edinburgh, Howick Expedition to British Columbia (EHBC),
Collection number: 88
Collection date: 2nd September 2016
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Canada
Barcode: E01021507
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron macrophyllum D.Don ex G.Don
Collector/Expedition: Edinburgh Howick Oregon California (2017),
Collection number: 138
Collection date: 4th September 2017
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: United States
Barcode: E01021651
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron macrophyllum D.Don ex G.Don
Collector/Expedition: Edinburgh Howick Oregon California (2017),
Collection number: 56
Collection date: 28th August 2017
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: United States
Barcode: E01021750
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron macrophyllum D.Don ex G.Don
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00712045
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ie) Zz es I ° i) bar ae [o>] Ba? eae) o8 copyright reserved Plants of California Rhodod: rmicum Hooks Pt Cum HOOK Abundant shrub on edges of forest of Sequoia sempervirens, Lithocarpus,etc. Flse clear pink in dense clusters to 6" across. Leaves hard with some brow fur on reverse Shrubs to 15ft.tall 1lert through. 7 gg p Mendocino — county ¢ Matro Lb ; #.pieSep-along rd t ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Pry im & Don tia tts Pon Hy st at NOHO « 500 A. EDINBURGH May 10 1952. | | Det. D. F. Chamberlain [473 E. K. BALLS, Collector No B795, E007 12045
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron macrophyllum D.Don ex G.Don
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00712046
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ey te Er See pol copyright reserved @ macrophy iin GDex Det. D. F. Chamberlain moe MR CROPHY LLIN, enc og, aaa _.... Cer segeéipooen. ee, ——.. 7 a. ~: C227 whe Ze: 0 Ce Sa Z 2 Beane ack vk Ad eCé (GE Su | On (oe \ Se4y i. | [itd FE tbe. adil open ‘tits (Gos nh |
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron macrophyllum D.Don ex G.Don
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00712047
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00712047 | ke macvophy Chan C. Pow Det. D. F. Chamberlain ly9g Plants of California Rhododendron macrophyllum ).Den- Abundant moist w contor hrub 10ft.etall 6ft.thy , — s 5 Date E: K. BALLS, Collector cee ~<a ore) mao fe) 5 5 I q i) E] @ R copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron macrophyllum D.Don ex G.Don
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00712048
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a ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00712048 | ae MaelYD phy llan. Fo Pan Det. D. F. Chamberlain 1973 Ex-Herb. J. W. Conapon
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron macrophyllum D.Don ex G.Don
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00712049
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00712049 basa r Ae PN KLTOe bess Vis Cops. Det. D. F. Chamberlain A292. ‘ Li ee ae xo] o © co 77) ce Pas co oo = > a ° Oo
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron macrophyllum D.Don ex G.Don
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00712050
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PLANTS OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Mendocino County Rcdedanderor colipornicem took, Oto Midge. a BOTANIC le7.W: OD aK EDINBURGH copyright reserved nace phye Rien ee es ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN No..87.. Coll. Jas. McMuRPHY =. jee 1902 Det. D. F. Chamberlain
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron macrophyllum D.Don ex G.Don
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00712051
Label data partially captured
No 72. 3953- Ex Herb. Geological Survey of Canada. INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARY COMMISSION COLLECTION. Chilliwack Valley, B.C. Between Lat. 49° and Lat. 49° 10° 3 and Long. 121° 25° and Long. 122. Collected by Fat Macon... aly. 2 oct, 190 AUYS-22 ft. We. Sprtacdforomagh "Ranacrop kh, G G 4 Dex Det. D. F. Chamberlain 1977S ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00712051 ROYAL BOTANIC CIN eP aM EDINBURGH xo} co) > s ® @ = oa = J : ) [ok ° oO
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron macrophyllum D.Don ex G.Don
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00712052
Label data partially captured
oy ROYAL S ouV WE Kel oP U Oy TKI EDINBURGH é & copyright reserved R. macroplay Ll 2 Det. D. F. Chamberlain jso¥ CALIFORNIA PLANTS COLLECTED NEAR MENDOCINO, MENDOCINO Co,, BY H. E. BROWN ie 1h Plewdrd crdern babjerrs tear 3 er" ove ro \ at ie LOY te ‘ Altitude from Sea Level to 500 feet. May 1898 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00712052
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron macrophyllum D.Don ex G.Don
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00712053
Label data partially captured
e S be cop-TetsiiCercg Naquvo DINVLOG TVAOU fex=,Wl=\-x-) LOL 0) BLVe [ere) OL 6 i) imqte imy{ LAqdo7ro ett bP ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH wu E007 12053
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron macrophyllum D.Don ex G.Don
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00712054
Label data partially captured
No..72, 483 Ex Herb. Geological Survey of Canada. INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARY COMMISSION COLLECTION. Skagit Valley, B.C. Between Lat. 49° and 45° 15’; and Long. 121° and Long. 121° 20' Collected by J. M. Macoun, Vat 23ad,1905. AltL 42> ft. ROYAL LOU Ce GARDEN Piel telet é REN kK Macro p Bag Ulan 6. Des Det. D. F. Chamberlain (59 copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | | E00712054 |
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron macrophyllum D.Don ex G.Don
Collection number: 744
Collection date: 14th May 2015
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Garden collecting location: C11 - Pinus cembra - Edinburgh
Verbatim garden collecting location: C11:Copse and Oak Lawn Areas
Barcode: E00850227
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 19913601A
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