Rhododendron 'Cornish Cross'
19744238 Cultivated material
19970742 Uncertain
19970743 Uncertain
19970744 Uncertain
19970746 Uncertain
20230112 Cultivated material
Rhododendron 'Coronation Lady'
19830841 Cultivated material
Rhododendron 'Countess of Derby'
19768031 Cultivated material
Rhododendron 'Countess of Haddington'
19708201 Cultivated material
Rhododendron 'Cowbell Group'
20171555 Cultivated material
Rhododendron 'Cowslip'
19913142 Cultivated material
Rhododendron 'Crarae'
19638004 Cultivated material
Rhododendron 'Cunningham's White'
19698498 Cultivated material
20000884 Cultivated material
Rhododendron 'Curlew'
19741246 Cultivated material
Rhododendron 'Cynthia'
19794039 Cultivated material