20171081A | YP3 | South of pond border (YP2) footpath-Benmore | Dead-Dead |
20171081B | YP2 | Pond Borders-Benmore | Alive-Planted |
20171081C | YN4 | Younger Memorial Walk North East-Benmore | Alive-Inventoried |
20171081D | YN4 | Younger Memorial Walk North East-Benmore | Alive-Inventoried |
20171081E | YN4 | Younger Memorial Walk North East-Benmore | Alive-Inventoried |
20171081F | YT3 | Area south and west of YT2 (Bhutan)-Benmore | Alive-Moved |
20171081G | YT4 | Area with viewpoint bench overlooking Glen Massan (Chile/Bhutan)-Benmore | Dead-Dead |
20171081H | YT4 | Area with viewpoint bench overlooking Glen Massan (Chile/Bhutan)-Benmore | Alive-Inventoried |
20171081I | YT4 | Area with viewpoint bench overlooking Glen Massan (Chile/Bhutan)-Benmore | Alive-Inventoried |
20171081J | E45 | Experimental Garden West Hartely house-Edinburgh | Completed |