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Family: Leguminosae
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Abarema idiopoda (S.F.Blake) Barneby & J.W. Grime
Collector/Expedition: Bridgewater, S.G.M.
Collection number: 3977
Collection date: 16th August 2004
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00940793
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Family: Leguminosae
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Abarema idiopoda (S.F.Blake) Barneby & J.W. Grime
Collector/Expedition: Goodwin, Z.A., Bridgewater, S.G.M., George, S., Mora, N.J., Chan, I.J. & Walker, P.
Collection number: 327
Collection date: 6th November 2006
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00544551
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Family: Leguminosae
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Abarema idiopoda (S.F.Blake) Barneby & J.W. Grime
Collector/Expedition: Goodwin, Z.A., Bridgewater, S.G.M., George, S., Mora, N.J., Chan, I.J. & Walker, P.
Collection number: 338
Collection date: 6th November 2006
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00396033
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Family: Leguminosae
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Abarema idiopoda (S.F.Blake) Barneby & J.W. Grime
Collector/Expedition: Goodwin, Z.A., Bridgewater, S.G.M., George, S., Mora, N.J., Chan, I.J. & Walker, P.
Collection number: 325
Collection date: 6th November 2006
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00679310
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Family: Leguminosae
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Abarema idiopoda (S.F.Blake) Barneby & J.W. Grime
Collector/Expedition: Hicks, J.R.
Collection number: 30
Collection date: 18th January 2007
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E01465135
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Family: Menispermaceae
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Abuta steyermarkii (Standl.) Standl.
Collector/Expedition: Whitefoord, C. & Quiroz, V.
Collection number: 106045
Collection date: 10th October 2005
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00377752
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ae ey ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Oo Ex Herbario Musei Britannici Abuta sp. of StBy erate (Stand ‘ STAD, Belize: Toledo District. Lowland broadleaved forest. BFREE Reserve, River Trail 45 - 75 malt. Vine. Fruit hard, green and vevety. Whitefoord, C. & Quiroz, V., 106045 10.10.2005 Please inform botanyid@nhm.ac.uk of any determination, thank you. Meee322 | a an copyright reserved
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Family: Leguminosae
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Acacia Mill.
Collector/Expedition: Goodwin, Z.A., Lloyd, K.A. & Lloyd, A.J.
Collection number: 923
Collection date: 25th June 2008
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E01012051
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Family: Leguminosae
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Acacia Mill.
Collector/Expedition: Goodwin, Z.A. & Lopez, G.N.
Collection number: 1509
Collection date: 17th May 2010
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00554341
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Family: Leguminosae
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Acacia Mill.
Collector/Expedition: Goodwin, Z.A., Lopez, G.N. & Trevaskis, A.
Collection number: 1552
Collection date: 23rd May 2010
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00554011
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Family: Leguminosae
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Acacia Mill.
Collector/Expedition: Goodwin, Z.A., Lopez, G.N., Lloyd, A.J. & Lloyd, K.A.
Collection number: 1617
Collection date: 28th May 2010
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00477405
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Family: Leguminosae
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Acacia Mill.
Collector/Expedition: Goodwin, Z.A., Lopez, G.N., Lloyd, A.J. & Lloyd, K.A.
Collection number: 1601
Collection date: 28th May 2010
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00477406
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Family: Leguminosae
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Acacia Mill.
Collector/Expedition: Goodwin, Z.A. & Lopez, G.N.
Collection number: 1514
Collection date: 17th May 2010
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00544854
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Family: Leguminosae
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Acacia angustissima (Mill.) Kuntze
Collector/Expedition: Urban, A.L.
Collection number: 130
Collection date: 21st April 2003
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00202376
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Family: Leguminosae
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Acacia cedilloi L.Rico
Collector/Expedition: Goodwin, Z.A., George, S., Mora, N.J., Chan, I.J. & Walker, P.
Collection number: 163
Collection date: 18th October 2006
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00544548
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Family: Leguminosae
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Acacia collinsii Safford
Collector/Expedition: Goodwin, Z.A. & Viergever, K.
Collection number: 678
Collection date: 9th April 2007
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00396076
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Family: Leguminosae
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Acacia collinsii Safford
Collector/Expedition: Goodwin, Z.A. & Lopez, G.N.
Collection number: 1508
Collection date: 17th May 2010
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00554021
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Family: Leguminosae
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Acacia gentlei Standl.
Collector/Expedition: Gantz, C.
Collection number: 12
Collection date: 12th April 2003
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00200803
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Family: Leguminosae
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Acacia gentlei Standl.
Collector/Expedition: Urban, A.L.
Collection number: 105
Collection date: 21st April 2003
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00202384
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Family: Leguminosae
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Acacia gentlei Standl.
Collector/Expedition: Gantz, C.
Collection number: 12
Collection date: 12th April 2003
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00200798
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Family: Leguminosae
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Acacia gentlei Standl.
Collector/Expedition: Urban, A.L.
Collection number: 105
Collection date: 21st April 2003
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00202355
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Family: Leguminosae
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Acacia gentlei Standl.
Collector/Expedition: Goodwin, Z.A., Chan, I.J., Tillett, R.S. & Tillett, E.
Collection number: 621
Collection date: 27th March 2007
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00544712
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Family: Leguminosae
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Acacia gentlei Standl.
Collector/Expedition: Hicks, J.R.
Collection number: 31
Collection date: 5th May 2007
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00387414
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Family: Leguminosae
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Acacia polyphylla DC.
Collector/Expedition: Urban, A.L.
Collection number: 306
Collection date: 1st May 2003
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00940971
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Family: Euphorbiaceae
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Collector/Expedition: Goodwin, Z.A.
Collection number: 963
Collection date: 19th September 2008
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00940960
Label data partially captured
HERB. HORT. EDINB. 040 Flora of Belize MQQQCGA Euphorbiaceae xe} ca) c ® 7) Cd Ft (o)) & ~ (o§ ° Oo Acalypha L. Cayo: Chiquibul Forest Reserve; Las Cuevas Research Station; permanent 50 ha plot | km northwest of station. 600 m 16°43'48" N, 88°59'38" W Tree. Fallen leaves collected from below tree. Collected for the Community Ecology Research Oxford research testing for enemy-mediated density-dependence in the mortality of seedlings. Tropical evergreen seasonal broad-leaved lowland forest on limestone; canopy to ~25 m dominated by Protium copal, Manilkara zapote, Heisteria media, Drypetes brownii, Dendropanax arboreus & Sabal mauritiiformis. Understory dominated by Cryosophila stauracantha. Collector: Goodwin, Zoé A. 963 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 19 September 2008 EDINBURGH NM et ee E00940960
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Euphorbiaceae
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Acalypha aristata Kunth
Collector/Expedition: Urban, A.L.
Collection number: 64
Collection date: 19th April 2003
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00634990
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. = AMET TTUAT INO TOH TTA of ra eae] a Eel} Pia SS O<5 aon EY S copyright reserved FLORA OF BELIZE Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Euphorbiaceae { Acalypha arvensis Poepp. \ Belize: Cayo: Chiquibul National Forest: Guacamallo Bridge, j Macal River. 16°52'07"N, 89°02'62"W. ‘aa Growing to 15cm, possibly a sapling (?) Habitat: Seasonally flooded fringing riverine vegetation in semi- deciduous tropical forest. Vegetation: Inga dominated with large undershub component Soil: Alluvial Precipitation: Dry season ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Determined by: Caroline Whitefoord July 2003 | | | | Lillis Urban No. 64 £00634990 19-Apr-03
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Euphorbiaceae
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Acalypha aristata Kunth
Collector/Expedition: Whitefoord, C. & Quiroz, V.
Collection number: 106092
Collection date: 13th October 2005
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00982395
Label data partially captured
Family: Euphorbiaceae
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Acalypha costaricensis (Kuntze) Knobl. ex Pax & K.Hoffm.
Collector/Expedition: Ibáñez Garcia, A.
Collection number: A46
Collection date: 30th May 1996
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00815137
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Family: Euphorbiaceae
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Acalypha diversifolia Jacq.
Collector/Expedition: Irving, H.
Collection number: 196
Collection date: 23rd April 2002
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00202978
Label data completely captured
xo} ® = .] od) o ® Pa a <= > = > pod fe] (o} Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh MSC Trip to Belize 2002 Euphorbiaceae Acalypha diversifolia Jacq. BELIZE: Cayo: 6km from Las Cuevas research station, Monkeytail River. Next to water, on a small, rocky island in the river. 16°44'N, 88°56'W. Stem round, very hairy. Herb c.2m tall, unbranched stems. Leaves pinkish. Inflorescence a pink-red catkin. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN mg 0 20 Irving, Hannah No. 196 23 APR 2002
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Euphorbiaceae
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Acalypha diversifolia Jacq.
Collector/Expedition: Urban, A.L.
Collection number: 218
Collection date: 24th April 2003
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00663514
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | E00663514 f} HERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA OF BELIZE Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Euphorbiaceae Acalypha diversifolia Jacq. Belize: Cayo: Chiquibul National Forest: Guacamallo Bridge, Macal River. 16°52'07"N, 89°02'62"W. Tree to 2.5m, sweet smell to slash Habitat: Riverine vegetation along seasonally flooded river Vegetation: Semi-deciduous tropical forest Soil: Alluvial Precipitation: Dry season Determined by: Sam Bridgewater July 2003 Lillis Urban No. 218 24-Apr-03 & ROYAL BOTANIC ATION TOOL TOTO TUATEAIT copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Euphorbiaceae
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Acalypha diversifolia Jacq.
Collector/Expedition: Goodwin, Z.A. & Lehmicke, A.J.
Collection number: 535
Collection date: 8th March 2007
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00544608
Label data completely captured
HERB. HORT. EDINB, L TIPU TOOT TOTTONTUA TOA or Pi eI O65 --T--) copyright reserved Flora of Belize Darwin Initiative Project - Developing Integrated Assessment of Biodiversity in Secondary Forest in Belize Euphorbiaceae Acalypha diversifolia Jacq. Det by Z.A.Goodwin on Jul 07 Belize: Stann Creek District, Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary, ~2 km west of visitors centre, Wari Loop trail. 16° 46’ 45.4" N 88° 27° 57.3" W (WGS84) Tropical, evergreen, seasonal, lowland moist forest, granite bedrock. Altitude: ~100m Growing in disturbed vegetation at pathside on south-facing bank above river. Common scandent small tree, 3 m, catkins green. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00544608 | Goodwin, Zoé Africa 535 08 Mar 2007 with A.J.Lehmicke
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