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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia laciniata (L.) Schnack & Covas
Collector/Expedition: Balls, E.K.
Collection number: 5984
Collection date: 10th February 1939
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Argentina
Barcode: E00399619
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ROYAL meee aun E003996 PLANTS OF ARGENTINA Verhewa Lobes al aoe wl S4&Y oh Jul. t0 a S hectiicin er tke QnAte, /9 Pb: /9.9G, Gu. b.%. 2.iZ, $984. ua Lb, ein copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia laciniata (L.) Schnack & Covas
Collector/Expedition: Gardner, M.F. & Knees, S.G.
Collection number: 9284
Collection date: 25th October 2015
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Chile
Barcode: E00719048
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E007 19048 | Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Flora of Chile - Verbenaceae Glandularia laciniata (L.) Schnack & Covas Locality: Regién Metropolitana de Santiago, Prov. de . Chacabuco, Tiltil. Caleu. 32°59”20.70’S, 71°01"24.18"W. 1872m Habitat: Sandy, open slopes of roadside surrounded by sclerophyllus matorral Description: Prostrate herb with pink flowers Collector: M.F. Gardner & S.G.Knees No. 9284 Date: 25" October 2015 copyright reserved
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia maritima (Small) Small
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01377167
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. MQQ0589 ) copyright reserved PLANTS OF FLORIDA, U.S.A. Verbenaceae Glandularia maritima (Small) Small Flagler County: 2.8 miles N of Beverly Beach Florida. Frequent on sandy backside of the fore dune along AlA —- prostrate, many flowers with dark stripes. 1.2-1.4 ecm. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | < EDINBURGH %. § Ray E. Umber UNI LL AB 666 6 April 1973 £01377167 HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA . = SEE OC
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia microphylla (Kunth) Cabrera
Collector/Expedition: Gillies, J.
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Argentina
Barcode: E00399599
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“GL Gor b bud: wut eb opley te Yfeerw. Bally 4 a) Menez, ID illted aa coe ran ® ” + — = to?) S ey a] Oo. oO | | 2 8.0.8 >) 8 Fe ew EDINBURGH wut E00399599 ll te: TIE AAO ct tae Sibiiaiitnetnnns
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia peruviana (L.) Small
Collector/Expedition: Gourlay, W.B.
Collection date: 1908
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Argentina
Barcode: E00399601
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HERB. HORT. REG. BOT. EDIN, Cor hy a Whine etl, ae ae, , 1908 \ Alora ae he ae Det. M.F. Gardner A its Nori QOvO YAL SE TBLne CARDEN wii | tintin copyrig wy La
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia peruviana (L.) Small
Collector/Expedition: Gourlay, W.B.
Collection date: 1908
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Argentina
Barcode: E00399602
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HERB. HORT. REG. BOT. EDIN, fe , / 5s Csy—A po tae . Ate rtine : Cae WHat frat Gourley ; 1908. Non bee Cllandolaria peruviana (Smal Det. M.F. Gardner en Ace 2010 YAL BOTANIC GARDE H mi E00399602 ll rom Oe > | — a) n 4 J = (°)} =| ey a oe 3)
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia peruviana (L.) Small
Collector/Expedition: Gillies, J.
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Argentina
Barcode: E00399603
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¥ Dy he ae Agee Tose Bs/ ROYAL eee ao BEN TT ‘ f Ni ly t fepjBlUae Lamb NUCHLa voyvre rrekei. ney tee | V9 ttt Z2 t 4A % U-29 Z | ROYAL are ae wi toes pect Ded PAA fot ta aaa fet / oe ( NV . ROYAL ocean oo | i ky . A | Mee landutaria qeruvieana(h) Gnd } Det. M.F. Gardner 1" Apr Rolo . i BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH i) copyright a
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia peruviana (L.) Small
Collector/Expedition: Tweedie, J.
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Argentina
Barcode: E00399604
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¥ Dy he ae Agee Tose Bs/ ROYAL eee ao BEN TT ‘ f Ni ly t fepjBlUae Lamb NUCHLa voyvre rrekei. ney tee | V9 ttt Z2 t 4A % U-29 Z | ROYAL are ae wi toes pect Ded PAA fot ta aaa fet / oe ( NV . ROYAL ocean oo | i ky . A | Mee landutaria qeruvieana(h) Gnd } Det. M.F. Gardner 1" Apr Rolo . i BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH i) copyright a
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia peruviana (L.) Small
Collector/Expedition: Tweedie, J.
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Argentina
Barcode: E00399605
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¥ Dy he ae Agee Tose Bs/ ROYAL eee ao BEN TT ‘ f Ni ly t fepjBlUae Lamb NUCHLa voyvre rrekei. ney tee | V9 ttt Z2 t 4A % U-29 Z | ROYAL are ae wi toes pect Ded PAA fot ta aaa fet / oe ( NV . ROYAL ocean oo | i ky . A | Mee landutaria qeruvieana(h) Gnd } Det. M.F. Gardner 1" Apr Rolo . i BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH i) copyright a
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia peruviana (L.) Small
Collector/Expedition: Christison, D.
Collection date: 6th May 1867
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Uruguay
Barcode: E00399606
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ROYAL BOTANIC (JES varia (0 6 rf copyright a) 5 r 3 2 Cements OO Onn dk Chain Clandularia Peruvian A Flrsers uaret indo ‘a. Thee, Canipoe Det. M.F. Gardner if Nee dp Sin jorge | Ur ben Cee 3 eg ay )867 sg seminien ee ae Atenas, spvciran but ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN . 3 ee fe tapoe eas oat chec® UNNI E00399606
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia peruviana (L.) Small
Collector/Expedition: Gillies, J.
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Argentina
Barcode: E00399607
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Me nen | copyright a) Vanivlaria P2rauic (L) Cromduoa. Peru | Det. M.F. Gardner ! ly Koc 2010 ‘ce
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia peruviana (L.) Small
Collector/Expedition: Balls, E.K.
Collection number: 5947
Collection date: 8th February 1939
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Argentina
Barcode: E00399608
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ms Frere nD FIT PLANTS OF ARGENTINA com cy > | i o 177) o = | a] £ a = | =) 2 roe [S) © 36947 EDWARD K. BALLS, Collector Feb. 7 1939 To) i i re hk c9y9 ie ( / Ghintign & he Anker 1999-1934, Soxy, Gt. E.n. Bales, Mecutrs bnriivgne ie cee GIy “tm Gained henke AMS ope a, ( 4 . fe, , Aims Bronte 1H, C = ee le Kendle 18" lonig. Kaoae ( oprtating Aetiet: Prarrong a me Peopsce! = fo tig I z a S. 3806 fe. 8/A/)1V8F. | Angpenting , RCNA SON GARDEN |
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia platensis (Spreng.) Schnack & Covas
Collector/Expedition: Hieronymus, G.H.E.W.
Collection date: 10th November 1878
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Argentina
Barcode: E00399579
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SSR EI AE HERBARIUM . HIERONYMI _ Species: U LAVATLA 5 ia : hha ALK Cac A ld fre f 4 tf— ft4 10 f/- “Lt < ba bfitt. 4 aL i l 4 » F ba C1tov'4 of link tA tA€VI BOTA, ( £6 bag (Ah 6 Cyl purl SCN Cer a a te Zz ae 11-414 lea f'n Mafld/ « ofr “ee ; WS | (te Us we" F / a. IIS /b.- i J by gig-navwed HERBARIUM OF JOHN BALL, F.RS. tld. Ee 7 7 if Lay ( PRESENTED BY HIS TrusTEEs, 1891. ROYAL BOTANI \lerlatnn Daren Brine | | DINBURGH Fide Nd g — WwW Aoloe ta A 6h | | ” CY i MonoacagQy & Voradan il E00399579 J | a com co) = | < ry o ®o = | ~ y= 2 ~~ es a. | re O |
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia platensis (Spreng.) Schnack & Covas
Collector/Expedition: Gillies, J.
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Argentina
Isosyntype of Verbena teucrioides Gillies & Hook.
Barcode: E00259074
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perieses }UBIAdOOS £4 HOUNENIGA : Se NaqGuvo DINVLOG TVAOU ROYAL annie CORBEN E00259074 . Ne) etbena a. 2S Bodh \J Saive 2 \ = Se a Tey oe Fide ui, Boaveta, Wot 1. Cc) —N\o ae GL tg
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia porrigens (Phil.) J.M.Watson & A.E.Hoffm.
Collector/Expedition: Baines,R.: Gardner, M.; Hechenleitner, P.; Morter, C. & Rae, D.,
Collection number: 72
Collection date: 22nd November 2008
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Chile
Barcode: E00230444
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. copyright are FLORA OF NORTHERN CHILE ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH (E) Family: Verbenaceae Glandularia porrigens (Phil.) J.M.Watson & A.E.Hoffm. Locality: Region II [Antofagasta]: Prov. de Antofagasta: Taltal: Paposo, Quebrada La Rinconada. 24°55' 53.5"S, 70°29'8.5 Alt. 244 m. Habitat: Coastal desert fog zone, Lomas vegetation. Steep sandy slopes of deep quebrada. Description: Spreading annual; flowers purple with a white centre. Frequent. Notes: Silica-dried leaf material collected Collectors: Baines,R.: Gardner, M.; Hechenleitner, P.; Morter, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN C. & Rae, D. No. 72 EDINBURGH IMI ao £00230444 Duplicates: Conse,
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia porrigens (Phil.) J.M.Watson & A.E.Hoffm.
Collector/Expedition: Elliott, C.
Collection number: 285
Collection date: October 1927
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Chile
Barcode: E00392042
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is [TTA ATE ETT GARDEN EDINBURGH 5 ie ROYAL BOTANIC ry ie aL reserved OF CHILI, 0c& 927 Coll. u.clorence Elliot, 1927-8 ROYAL EDINGURC aoe
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia porrigens (Phil.) J.M.Watson & A.E.Hoffm.
Collection number: 56
Collection date: 31st October 2010
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Chile
Barcode: E00399934
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. e Be TH ATT Sia <qEzHe ee eee O<5 eon] 10 9 copyright a) FLORA OF CHILE ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN (E) Family: Verbenaceae Glandularia porrigens (Phil.) J.M.Watson & A.E.Hoffm. Locality: Regiédn V [Valparaiso]: Provincia de Valparaiso; apallar Quebrada Aguas Claras.32° 35’ 25.8" S 71° 25’ 8.6" Ww (WGS$84) 91m. Habitat: Dry grassy slopes in Sclerophyllous forest of Schinus molle, Peumus boldus, Lithrea caustica and Cryptocarya alba ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Description: Prostrate perennial; flowers pinkish-mauve EDINBURGH | | I | Collectors: M.F.Gardner, G. Eski, J. Hepp & J. Pestell. No. 56 E00399934 Date: 31th October 2010 a |
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia porrigens (Phil.) J.M.Watson & A.E.Hoffm.
Collector/Expedition: Gardner, M.F. & Knees, S.G.
Collection number: 5959
Collection date: 6th October 1995
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Chile
Barcode: E00014551
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. = HITMAN EIT 10 ] copyright ere ae) C L Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Flora of Chile Verbenaceae Verbena berter@i (Meisn.) Schauer Chile: Regién V [Valparaiso]: Proy. de Petorca: Quebrada Aguas Claro 2 km south of Cachagua. Very rich coastal forest which is subject to coastal cloud much of the year. Dominant species include Beilschmiedia MUeESi Ome sae 35 0G e yress iy | on aN Clandulasva | een and sweetly scented, STORE Pale Lilac AM E00014551 Boa geile a 6 Oct 1995 : ardner, & Knees, S G No. 5959 Det. M.F. Gardner iy Apc\ 200
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia pulchella var. pulchella
Collector/Expedition: Darwin, C.R.
Collection number: 223
Collection date: 13th September 1832
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Argentina
Barcode: E00264244
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GL ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH ac or So oO Pa de o 77] ® had <= — = > a je] Oo is Deri. fey fant tas! Jee 222 FIDE: D.M.Porter A Bot. J. Linn. Soc. (1986) 93(1) page 162 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN INBURGH WAI E00264244 ll
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia radicata (Mold.) Tronc. ex Múlgura
Collector/Expedition: Gillies, J.
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Argentina
Isotype of Verbena radicans (Gillies & Hook.) Schnack & Covas
Barcode: E00259083
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Herbarium sheetE00259084
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH oko. 3 ® 2 ® 72) ® Se td = 2 ‘= Po) a ° fs) os : 5 Asesvi Bera padceamd 9 te thoth a 7, Hbte Ab2, a. J: ys ff : ped Ch hit ; ¢ ROYALBOTANIC GARDEN Ve UN HR KX < ok aw Ho ao Aw : vn Boe i i — o PORTE han
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia radicata (Mold.) Tronc. ex Múlgura
Collector/Expedition: Gillies, J.
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Argentina
Isotype of Verbena radicans (Gillies & Hook.) Schnack & Covas
Barcode: E00259084
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Herbarium sheetE00259083
copyright reserved pre. Mevolts ¢. Gf ltag | “ae TOR i a : A ; Fide hee ~Lasiec Gla . co | 3 : a ‘ \\ - at cane Ve Soong i mi i il " = 7 a ¢- 7 Pe ASEH 22) he : 2 Werte: eI’ ee. cam . 7 : “2 :
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia ribifolia (Walp.) P. Peralta
Collector/Expedition: Baxter, P., Cano, M., Christian, T. & Gardner, M.,
Collection number: 91
Collection date: 17th February 2017
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Chile
Barcode: E00840422
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia sulphurea (D.Don) Schnack & Covas
Collector/Expedition: Bridges, T.C.
Collection number: 456
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Chile
Barcode: E00399583
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GL ‘?) ° xe} a4 rota Ko] 9 = ~ O 7) 1) D ~ J 2. ‘tsb ee S Phefoloay..0A. 16. ISOTYPE op Ver oR.nies. RAMAN Det: M.F.Gardner [E] 12" April 2010 Glandularia sulphurea (D.Don) Schnack & Covas t : — ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | ‘ i — je / ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN E00399584 ga EDINBURGH as wai E00399583 bimecs G0 F |
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Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia sulphurea (D.Don) Schnack & Covas
Collector/Expedition: Cuming, H.
Collection number: 450
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Chile
Isotype of Uwarowia sulphurea (d.Don) Schauer
Barcode: E00399585
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AMMATEMNA OTE TE AT 2 alas | Glandularia sulphurea (D.Don) | | Schnack & Covas | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | EDINBURGH Det: M.F.Gardner [E] 12" April 2010 | E00399585
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia sulphurea (D.Don) Schnack & Covas
Collector/Expedition: Cuming, H.
Collection number: 450
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Chile
Isotype of Uwarowia sulphurea (d.Don) Schauer
Barcode: E00399586
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, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | E00399587 ! AFA x Pcs e <Te, SP« me aver, & Ce LarveGp Doel “Okage A A.Mathswe Oo Zz a i le) =) Fai oye a! Zz pirat olsI J nS i }O 7 ch fier frm Dil vaeetele, 4, Cath: Pmnittn md! Toe maces abacus) Pee U flew Glandularia sulphurea (D.Don) Schnack & Covas copyright reserved Det: M.F.Gardner [E] 12" April 2010 IDE: ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ob As hog Wu 00399586 La Kaeacea re eo
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia sulphurea (D.Don) Schnack & Covas
Collector/Expedition: Mathews, A.
Collection number: 330
Collection date: September 1830
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Chile
Barcode: E00399587
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, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | E00399587 ! AFA x Pcs e <Te, SP« me aver, & Ce LarveGp Doel “Okage A A.Mathswe Oo Zz a i le) =) Fai oye a! Zz pirat olsI J nS i }O 7 ch fier frm Dil vaeetele, 4, Cath: Pmnittn md! Toe maces abacus) Pee U flew Glandularia sulphurea (D.Don) Schnack & Covas copyright reserved Det: M.F.Gardner [E] 12" April 2010 IDE: ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ob As hog Wu 00399586 La Kaeacea re eo
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia sulphurea (D.Don) Schnack & Covas
Collector/Expedition: Gourlay, W.B.
Collection date: 1908
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Chile
Barcode: E00399588
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HERB. HORT. REG. BOT. EDIN, al p a arto a ALAS TS ol teg Leee CAA f° ay ~ pa J XY e ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN DAD): ) Oe) 5 Ex Re ae Glandularia sulphurea (D.Don) | | | Schnack & Covas 00399588 Det: M.F.Gardner [E] 12" April 2010 copyright ae
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia sulphurea (D.Don) Schnack & Covas
Collector/Expedition: King, T.
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Chile
Barcode: E00399589
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i we ok mm is ab ae ta} og Can copyright reserved t f prick, Pacey i [/ i ft wf s s - (LAL “in 4 é 3 y . woe f $— i a fia Cb Coen | f ‘ hao. Va “~ Glandularia sulphurea (D.Don) Schnack & Covas Det: M.F.Gardner [E] 12 April 2010 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN CHILI, EDINBURGH Cou. : Mr. Tuos. Krne, | | | | | | | Presented July 1900, E00399589 ‘ : a a
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia sulphurea (D.Don) Schnack & Covas
Collector/Expedition: King, T.
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Chile
Barcode: E00399590
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ey ji.-< zy (Al 4 2 g Be MMO TATO ATO ETEOT ET CHILI. Cout.: Mr. THos. Kine. Presented July 1900, 2) ROYAL Toh V.WS Ce GARDEN EDINBURGH é ss Glandularia sulphurea (D.Don) Schnack & Covas Det: M.F.Gardner [E] 12 April 2010 copyri ht reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00399590 /
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Verbenaceae
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Glandularia sulphurea (D.Don) Schnack & Covas
Collector/Expedition: Bertero, C.G.L.
Collection date: September 1830
Filing region: Temperate South America
Country/Territory: Chile
Barcode: E00399591
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Be nnn can ROYAL s Tony NEC GARDEN EDINBURGH red Ae LL ae @ ~ ye e y Pilon Divers. Lat, “@ F Darbewwrm 0 OB DF — g , Fa pales fel pring Aes 0 llsim” DL. 4 Alyy f ROYAL BOTANICGARDEN | Glandularia sulphurea (D.Don) Schnack & oie. LEE. | EDINBURGH Covas i000 | | 00399591 Det: M.F.Gardner [E] 12" April 2040 ' a — = — 4 fe a ede.. os , a
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