Family: Leguminosae
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Dioclea Kunth
Name Det. qual. Type of det. Det. based on specimen Det. by and when Institution
Dioclea KunthDet.E00554040Lewis, G.P. August 2015Kew,Royal Botanic Gardens (K)
Collector/Expedition: Goodwin, Zoe Africa, Lopez, German Nadir & Muschamp, Mario
Collection number: 1280
Collection date: 3rd May 2010
Country/Territory: Belize:Toledo
Collecting locality: Belize:Toledo:Paynes Creek National Park; East of Punta Ycacos (Cocoa plum) Lagoon; 100 m NW of Rangers Station.
Latitude: 16°19'53''N, Longitude: 88°36'8''W
Habitat: Dense woody savanna. Rare Pinus caribaea 10 m (<5%); shrub layer (50%) of abundant Calliandra houstoniana 2 m, Davilla kunthii 2 m, frequent Byrsonima crassifolia 3(-5) m, Curatella americana 5 m & Acoelorraphe wrightii 2-8 m. Herb layer to 50 cm mix of grasses & sedges with Cassytha filiformis, 50%. Not burnt for 4 years.
Description: Locally abundant vine in herb layer; purple/blue flowers; legume to 6 cm.
Kind of specimen: SILICA-DRIED
Barcode: EGEN0006061
Herbarium region: 14 (Central America)
Associated material:
Herbarium specimen/sheetE00554040