Family: Acanthaceae
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Barleria samhanensis Knees, A.G.Mill. & A.Patzelt
Isotype of Barleria samhanensis Knees, A.G.Mill. & A.Patzelt
Isotype of Barleria samhanensis Knees, A.G.Mill. & A.Patzelt
Collector/Expedition: Patzelt, Annette, Miller, Anthony George, Knees, Sabina Georgina & Laser, S
Collection number: 2688
Collection date: 26th September 2006
Country/Territory: Oman:Dhofar
Collecting locality: Dhofar. Jabal Samhan.
Latitude: 17°9'10''N, Longitude: 54°45'27''E
Habitat: Dissected limestone plateau with Barleria samhanensis. Tertiary: Umm Er Radhuma formation: Massive to nodular bioclastic limestone with yellowish shale intercalations. Rock outcrop-Ustropepts: rock outcrop and shallow, loamy-skeletal soils, 0 to 50 percent slope.
Description: Low spiny shrub, forming cushions to 40 cm in height. Much-branched from base, branches finely pubescent. Leaves sub-orbicular to broadly ovate, 11-25 x 8-15 mm. Petioles 1-3 mm in length. White axillary spines, 4-armed. Inflorescences terminal, spiny. Flowers solitary in leaf axils, scented, subtended by bracteoles. Calyx whitish-green, lobes lanceolate. Corolla yellow, lobes subequal. Upper 4 lobes reflexed, lower lobe slightly smaller. Narrow corolla tube, c. 35 x 1.5 mm in length. Stamens 2, shortly exerted, staminodes 2, within corolla tube. Ovary glabrous, beaked. Capsule with apical beak, light-brown when mature. Seeds flattened, 4x 6 mm, with appressed brown hairs.
Kind of specimen: HERBARIUM SHEET
Barcode: E01032828
Herbarium region: 2A_ARABIA (Arabian Peninsula)
Number of sheets: 1
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