Family: Compositae
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Senecio leucanthemifolius var. caucasicus (DC.) Greuter
Collector/Expedition: Russian Caucasus Expedition (RBGE, Kew, Howick Arboretum - 2013),
Collection number: 9
Collection date: 30th August 2013
Country/Territory: Russia
Collecting locality: Russian Federation:N. Caucasus:Kabarda Balkaran Region:Mt Elbrus
Latitude: 43°17'22''N, Longitude: 42°27'37''E
Habitat: Full sun on a dry rocky steep west facing mountainside of open scattered alpines
Description: Herbaceous perennial to 10cm x 15cm with widely elliptic leaves to 3.5cm x 1.2cm light green and hirsute both above and below margin many lobed, fruit a green brown cylindrical capsule to 1cm x 0.6cm , flower yellow
Miscellaneous notes: Alt name: Tephroseris integrifolia subsp. caucasigena (Schischk.) Greuter. or Senecio vernalis subsp. sosnovskyi (Sof.) V.E.Avet.
Kind of specimen: HERBARIUM SHEET
Barcode: E01012003
Herbarium region: 1 (Europe excl. Britain and Ireland)
Number of sheets: 1