Family: Sapindaceae
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Paullinia rugosa Benth. Ex Radlk.
Isotype of Paullinia colombiana Cuatrec.
Collector/Expedition: Lawrence, Alexander E.
Collection number: 516
Collection date: 7th October 1932
Country/Territory: Colombia
Collecting locality: Colombia:State of Boyaca, Region Humbo, 130m N of Bogota
Habitat: Forested fronts
Description: Vine, Height: 50-60ft. Diameter 1-1 1/2 Inch. Flower, odor, color, etc.: Yes-Yes very sweet, White & yellow centre. Stamens are white & striped with chocolate brown at points & surrounded with fluffy white hairs (Thro' lens) Flowers hang in racemes from main stem. White sap flows from cut stem.
Kind of specimen: HERBARIUM SHEET
Barcode: E00933196
Herbarium region: 17 (W. Tropical South America)
Number of sheets: 1
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet