Family: Zingiberaceae
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Pleuranthodium corniculatum Lofthus & A.D.Poulsen
Isotype of Pleuranthodium corniculatum Lofthus & A.D.Poulsen
Collector/Expedition: Poulsen, Axel Dalberg, Jimbo, Tiberius, Banda, William & Mundua, Thomas
Collection number: 3019
Collection date: 18th April 2016
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea:Chimbu
Collecting locality: Slopes of Mt. Wilhelm, Wonn.
Latitude: 5°48'48''S, Longitude: 145°4'58''E
Habitat: Montane forest
Description: Terrestrial herb. Leaft shoots in loose clump, to 25cm aprat, massive, 5m long with 24 leaves; base to 8cm diam, smooth, shiny, green; pseudostem flattened; ligule to 1.5cm long, reddish brown when young, truncate to irregularly lobed; petiole to 1.5cm long; lamina to 80 x 19cm, narrowly obovate tapering towards apex, leathery, dark to mid-green, beneath pale green, pubescent with reddish midrib. Infloresence subterminal (by 30-40cm), to 30cm long; bracts of infloresence to 47cm long, sometimes with laminoid apex of 9x2m, red when young, dark brown when old; peduncle to 10cm long, yellow-green, tinged red; spike cylindrical, 19-23 x 8-10cm; flower c. 5cm long; pedicel reddish brown; ovary orange-red to brown; calyx dark purple; corolla tube pale red, lobes dark purple; labellum pale yellow-green with purple centre; stamen pale yellow-green. Fruit pyriform, orange-yellow; seeds green.
Kind of specimen: HERBARIUM SHEET
Barcode: E00891582
Herbarium region: 6E (New Guinea)
Number of sheets: 4
Associated material:
Herbarium sheetE00891579
Herbarium sheetE00891580
Herbarium sheetE00891581
Herbarium sheetE00891583
Herbarium sheetE00891584
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet