Family: Compositae
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Taraxacum pankhurstianum A.J. Richards & C.C. Ferguson-Smyth
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Taraxacum pankhurstianum A.J. Richards & C.C. Ferguson-SmythDet.E00544671 2011
Holotype of Taraxacum pankhurstianum A.J. Richards & C.C. Ferguson-Smyth
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Garden collecting location: E07 - Target 8 Tunnel - Edinburgh
Verbatim garden collecting location: E07:Experimental Garden
Description: Plant small to medium-sized, leaves decumbent to prostate, fairly numerous. Leaves to 10 x 3 cm (in cultivation), generally smaller, oblanceolate, coriaceous, crisped, the upper surface evenly scabrid-hairy and dark slightly bluish-green., with irregular brownish-purple spotting and interlobe blotching. Leaves subentire to shallowly lobed, lateral lobes 3--6, broad and short, acuminate with a recurved spiny apex. Mid-rib and petiole dull purplish-red above, striated, green below; petiole short and indistinct, winged. Scapes not exceeding leaves, decumbent, glabrous, bronze-coloured. Exterior bracts appressed (to erect), with a subapical callus, 5--6 x 1.5--2 mm, bronzy-green with brown apices and slightly purplish borders, the borders markedly hairy. Capitulum 4 cm in diameter, lemon-yellow; ligules with a solid pink stripe below, ligule teeth dull red; stigmas yellow, drying rather darker, pollen absent. Achenes straw-coloured, oblong with short squamose spines above, 4.5--4.8 mm, cone very short or absent; rostrum stout, 6 mm, pappus white.
Collection number: 11.141
Collection date: 15th June 2011
Barcode: E00544672
Herbarium region: Cultivated (Cultivated)
Number of sheets: 2
Associated material:
Herbarium sheetE00544671
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 20100854A
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet