Family: Rubiaceae
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Raritebe palicoureoides Wernham
Name | Det. qual. | Type of det. | Det. based on specimen | Det. by and when | Institution |
Raritebe Wernham | Det. | E00504600 | August 1999 |
Isotype of Coussarea chariantha Standl.
Collector/Expedition: Lawrence, Alexander E.
Collection number: 575
Collection date: 11th November 1932
Country/Territory: Colombia:Boyacá
Collecting locality: Colombia:Departamento de Boyacá:El Humbo, 130 M-N of Bogota
Habitat: Thick forest
Description: Shrub; Height 6-8 ft, diameter 4-6 inches; Flower pure white
Miscellaneous notes: Fruiting stems; Very beautiful in the dark forest
Kind of specimen: HERBARIUM SHEET
Barcode: E00504600
Herbarium region: 17 (W. Tropical South America)
Number of sheets: 1
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