Family: Compositae
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Lactuca serriola L.
Collector/Expedition: Collenette, Iris Sheila
Collection number: 2804
Collection date: 18th September 1981
Country/Territory: Saudi Arabia
Collecting locality: Saudi Arabia:At the head of the Grade Lavori Road, 5 km south of Biljurshi on the Taif - Abha road
Habitat: By roadside near cultivation
Description: An erect single-stemmed herb 1.75 m tall branching at the crown.Mainly simple leaves with spiny dentate margin and midrib spiny on the underside. Pale yellow flower-heads 8 mm wide, no scent. Milky juice. Locally widespread and distinctive becasue of its shape and size
Barcode: E00481520
Herbarium region: 2A_ARABIA (Arabian Peninsula)
Number of sheets: 1
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