Family: Compositae
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Acmella pusilla (Hook. & Arn.) R.K.Jansen
Name Det. qual. Type of det. Det. based on specimen Det. by and when Institution
Acmella pusilla (Hook. & Arn.) R.K.JansenDet.E00433076 December 1982Columbus,Ohio State University (OS)
Isotype of Spilanthes americana var. stolonifera (DC.) A.H. Moore
Collector/Expedition: Curtiss, Allen Hiram
Collection number: 5882
Collection date: 9th June 1897
Country/Territory: Puerto Rico:Florida
Habitat: Waste ground
Description: Not specified
Kind of specimen: HERBARIUM SHEET
Barcode: E00433076
Herbarium region: 13 (North America)
Number of sheets: 1
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet