Family: Zingiberaceae
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Meistera stephanocolea (Lamxay & M.F.Newman) Škornick & M.F.Newman
Name Det. qual. Type of det. Det. based on specimen Det. by and when Institution
Meistera stephanocolea (Lamxay & M.F.Newman) Škornick & M.F.NewmanFideE00456665Edinburgh,Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E)
Isotype of Amomum stephanocoleum Lamxay & M.F.Newman
Collector/Expedition: Lamxay, Vichith, Chanthapany, C., Lanorsavanh, Soulivanh & Newman, Mark Fleming
Collection number: VL1250
Collection date: 13th May 2008
Country/Territory: Laos:Bolikhamxai
Collecting locality: Laos:Bolikhamxai:Pakkading:Bane Phone Xay Phou Ngou NPA
Latitude: 18°18'54''N, Longitude: 104°1'22''E
Description: Clump-forming herb c.120cm tall, with 3-5 stems/clump, and 16 leaves?shoot, undulate, shining, rhizome red, ligule brown with long brown hairs, inflorescence arising near the base, peduncle sheath pale brown, bract and bracteole brown soon rooting, flower cream, lip with broad yellow central stripe edged with red dots, young fruit prickly.
Kind of specimen: SPIRIT
Barcode: E00389995
Herbarium region: 6B (Indo-China)
Number of sheets: 1
Associated material:
Herbarium sheetE00456665