Family: Gramineae
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Festuca alaica Drobow
Name Det. qual. Type of det. Det. based on specimen Det. by and when Institution
Festuca alaica DrobowDet.E00373926Alexeev, E.B. September 1976
Isotype of Festuca kotschyi (Hack. ex Boiss.) Grossh.
Collector/Expedition: Bornmüller, Joseph Friedrich Nicolaus & Bornmüller, F.
Collection number: 8438
Collection date: 8th July 1902
Country/Territory: Iran
Collecting locality: Iran:Elburs occid., in summis jugis alpium Totschal.
Locality as recorded by collector: Persia borealis
Description: Not specified
Kind of specimen: HERBARIUM SHEET
Barcode: E00373926
Herbarium region: 2A (West Asia and Egypt)
Number of sheets: 1
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet