Family: Gesneriaceae
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Glossoloma anomalum J.L. Clark
Name Det. qual. Type of det. Det. based on specimen Det. by and when Institution
Glossoloma anomalum J.L. ClarkDet.E00373041Clark, J.L. 2009Tuscaloosa,The University of Alabama (UNA)
Isotype of Glossoloma anomalum J.L. Clark
Collector/Expedition: Clark, J.L.
Collection number: 7300
Collection date: 27th February 2003
Country/Territory: Ecuador:Napo
Collecting locality: Ecuador:Napo:Canton: Archidona. Main road between Baeza and Loreto; ca. 3-5 km east of the junction with the Tena-Baeza carretera.
Latitude: 0°41'44''S, Longitude: 77°43'41''W
Description: Patch of primary and secondary forest along road. Suffrutescent shrub, stems erect, 1-1.5 m tall. Sometimes scandent. Stems, leaves, and perianth with erect pilose pubescence. Calyx lobes green with fimbriate margins; slightly cucullate. Corolla red with white pubescence. Lower corolla lobes yellowish-orange. Nectary a bilobed dorsal gland. Flowers not resupinate.
Miscellaneous notes: Photographs of this collection are in teh Gesneriaceae photo file (US).
Barcode: E00373041
Herbarium region: 17 (W. Tropical South America)
Number of sheets: 1
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet