Family: Marcgraviaceae
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Ruyschia andina De Roon
Name Det. qual. Type of det. Det. based on specimen Det. by and when Institution
Ruyschia andina De RoonDet.E00304510Dressler, S. 22nd July 2015Frankfurt,Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg (FR)
Isotype of Ruyschia andina De Roon
Collection number: 3733
Collection date: 27th December 1997
Country/Territory: Ecuador
Collecting locality: Ecuador:ZZamora-Chinchipe:Road Loja-Zamora, km 28.3
Latitude: 3°57'S, Longitude: 79°3'W
Habitat: Vegetation: secondary scrub above storm drain
Description: Shrub, 2-3m x10cm; leaves fleshy - semi-coriaceous, mid-green slihtly glossy above, pales yellowish green dull below, midvein evident, pale yellow; erect infloresences in bud, pale green with similar coloured bracts
Miscellaneous notes: (= same shrub as Lewis et al. 3249, collected 6 May 1997)
Kind of specimen: HERBARIUM SHEET
Barcode: E00304510
Herbarium region: 17 (W. Tropical South America)
Number of sheets: 1
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet