Family: Podocarpaceae
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Podocarpus orarius R.R.Mill & M.Whiting
Name Det. qual. Type of det. Det. based on specimen Det. by and when Institution
Podocarpus orarius R.R.Mill & M.WhitingDet.E00282587Mill, R.R. 15th October 2014Edinburgh,Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E)
Holotype of Podocarpus orarius R.R.Mill & M.Whiting
Collector/Expedition: Gardner, Martin Fraser, Herrington, Stephen, Pitisopa, Fred, Kosui, P., Olisae, R. & Tofu, P.
Collection number: 7
Collection date: 4th October 2008
Country/Territory: Solomon Islands:Choiseul
Collecting locality: Solomon Islands:Choiseul:Loloko District:Mainland opposite Bembalama Island
Latitude: 7°21'11''S, Longitude: 157°33'40''E
Habitat: Steep coastal rainforest
Description: Tree to 6 m tall; dbh 5 cm; bark smooth, flaky; leaves to 16 cm long, held upright, glossy green above. Female cones borne in subopposite pairs, held at right-angles; epimatium bright pinkish red, (pale orange when immature) 12 x 7 mm, cylindrical, pedicel 7 mm
Barcode: E00282587
Herbarium region: 9 (Pacific Islands)
Number of sheets: 1
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet