Family: Umbelliferae
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Scandix pecten-veneris L.
Collector/Expedition: Gardner, Martin Fraser & Knees, Sabina Georgina
Collection number: 8533
Collection date: 12th April 2009
Country/Territory: Greece:Dhodhekanisos
Collecting locality: Greece:Dhodhekanisos:Arki island; Port Stretto; narrow headland.
Latitude: 37°22'26''N, Longitude: 26°44'20''E
Habitat: Garrigue (Phrygana) vegetation, goat-grazed and wind-pruned. Limestone, rocky slopes dominants include Euphorbia acanthothamno., Genista spp., Olea europae., Phagnalon rupestr., Pistacia lentiscu., Prasium majus and Teucrium creticu..
Description: Annual to 15 cm tall; flowers white, mostly over; fruits white dense short hairs
Barcode: E00282537
Herbarium region: 1 (Europe excl. Britain and Ireland)
Number of sheets: 1
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