Family: Malvaceae
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Fremontodendron decumbens R.M.Lloyd
Isotype of Fremontodendron decumbens R.M.Lloyd
Collector/Expedition: Lloyd, Robert Michael
Collection number: 3382
Collection date: 15th May 1964
Country/Territory: United States:California
Collecting locality: USA:California:El Dorado County: 1.9 miles north of Green Valley Road on Ulenkemp Road, Pine Hill, about 2 miles west of Rescue
Description: Decumbent shrub 1 m tall. Flowers orange to reddish-brown. Growing in open oak woodland-chaparral-pine woodland ecotone. 15 plants in area. n=ca. 49
Kind of specimen: HERBARIUM SHEET
Barcode: E00279454
Herbarium region: 13 (North America)
Number of sheets: 1
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet