Family: Leguminosae
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Millettia latifolia Dunn
Name | Det. qual. | Type of det. | Det. based on specimen | Det. by and when | Institution |
Millettia leucantha var. latifolia (Dunn) P.K. Lôc | Det. | E00275441 | 14th July 1994 | Hanoi,Botany Department (HN) |
Type of Millettia latifolia Dunn
Collector/Expedition: Kerr, Arthur Francis George
Collection number: 1733
Collection date: 30th March 1911
Country/Territory: Thailand:Chiang Mai
Collecting locality: Thailand:Chiang Mai:Doi Sutep
Habitat: Deciduous jungle.
Description: Not specified
Kind of specimen: HERBARIUM SHEET
Barcode: E00275441
Herbarium region: 6B (Indo-China)
Number of sheets: 1
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