Family: Combretaceae
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Terminalia impediens Coode
Isotype of Terminalia impediens Coode
Collector/Expedition: Henty, Edward E.
Collection number: NGF 28040
Collection date: 19th August 1966
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea:Madang
Collecting locality: Papua New Guinea:Madang:Usino, T.N.G.
Latitude: 5°30'S, Longitude: 145°25'E
Habitat: Forest of flood plain
Description: Tree, buttressed to 10 ft., bole cylindrical; crown emergent spreading. Height 120 ft., bole 70 ft., d.a.b. [d.b.h.] 40 ins. Bark grey, peeling in roughly rectangular flakes; under brown; inner pinkish brown to straw at cambium, where a yellow tinge appears soon after exposure. Wood greyish straw with brown streaks. Young leaves pale green. Flowers cream with brownish disk. Fruit fallen, picked up from ground.
Barcode: E00273928
Herbarium region: 6E (New Guinea)
Number of sheets: 1
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Herbarium specimen/sheetE00273929
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