Family: Acanthaceae
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Strobilanthes stramineus W.W.Sm.
Type of Strobilanthes stramineus W.W.Sm.
Collector/Expedition: Kingdon-Ward, F.
Collection date: 22nd December 1914
Country/Territory: Myanmar
Collecting locality: Myanmar:Upper Burma, 40 miles south of Putas
Habitat: Amongst thick jungle growth on the edge of the jungle
Description: Fls. straw coloured, upper lip with purple guide streaks. Suffruticose herb, weak stems several feet in length more or less decumbent and supported by thick jungle growth.
Miscellaneous notes: Testes of this sheet was examined; H.Terao, Sept 1979
Kind of specimen: HERBARIUM SHEET
Barcode: E00273477
Herbarium region: 5C (Myanmar (Burma))
Number of sheets: 1
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