Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campanulatum × arboreum D.Don
Name Det. qual. Type of det. Det. based on specimen Det. by and when Institution
Rhododendron campanulatum × arboreum D.DonDet.E00269616Chamberlain, D.F. 1977Edinburgh,Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E)
Collector/Expedition: Stainton, John David Adam, Sykes, William Russell & Williams, Leonard Howard John
Collection number: 4113
Collection date: 19th May 1952
Country/Territory: Nepal
Collecting locality: Nepal:Chankheli LAgna.
Habitat: On North slopes below pass.
Description: Spreading shrub of 10-12 ft, in height. Leaves dark green above, paler benaeth with a fawn indumentum. Corolla colour varies from bright to pale pink. This specimen was very bright pink with darker spots on the upper interior of the coeolla. Pedicel and calyx reddish green, the latter with fringe of white hairs. Filaments white, anthers brown. Style pale pink, stigma green; ovary reddish green with scattered white hars. Filaments hirsute at base.
Kind of specimen: HERBARIUM SHEET
Barcode: E00269616
Herbarium region: 5E (Nepal)
Number of sheets: 1