Family: Zingiberaceae
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Alpinia glacicaerulea R.M.Sm.
Name Det. qual. Type of det. Det. based on specimen Det. by and when Institution
Alpinia glacicaerulea R.M.Sm.Det.E00149606Smith, R.M.
Isotype of Alpinia glacicaerulea R.M.Sm.
Collector/Expedition: Van Balgooy, Max Michael Josephus
Collection number: 3194
Collection date: 8th May 1979
Country/Territory: Indonesia
Collecting locality: Indonesia:Sulawesi Tengah:C.Sulawesi, Mt. Roroka Timbu W.slope.
Habitat: Montane forest dominated by Agathis 40 m tall
Description: Terrestrial herb. Fl. icy blue.
Miscellaneous notes: 0°30'-1°30'S;119°30'-120°30'E
Kind of specimen: SPIRIT
Barcode: E00211716
Herbarium region: 6C (Malay Islands)
Number of sheets: 1
Associated material:
Herbarium specimen/sheetE00149606