Family: Proteaceae
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Protea haemantha Engl. & Gilg
Isotype of Protea haemantha Engl. & Gilg
Collector/Expedition: Baum, Hugo
Collection number: 709
Collection date: 5th February 1900
Country/Territory: Angola
Collecting locality: Angola:Am Longa oberhalb [des Quiriri und 16km davon ostlich am Quiriri] Minnesera. Informaiton in brackets is taken from the original publication - Baum's 1903 expedition account - see citation field for full reference
Habitat: Auf Sandboden zwischen Gras und niedrigem Gebusch, ziemlich selten - from Baum (1903)
Description: Not specified
Miscellaneous notes: Collection altitude in publication is cited at an altitude of 1275m, but specimen label states 1250m.
Kind of specimen: HERBARIUM SHEET
Barcode: E00193529
Herbarium region: 10 (Tropical Africa)
Number of sheets: 1
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