Family: Labiatae
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Plectranthus buchananii Baker
Name Det. qual. Type of det. Det. based on specimen Det. by and when Institution
Plectranthus buchananii BakerFideE00193487
Type of Plectranthus buchananii Baker
Collector/Expedition: Buchanan, John
Collection number: 365
Collection date: October 1881
Country/Territory: Malawi
Collecting locality: Malawi:Nakajumbu, Shire Highlands
Locality as recorded by collector: Central Africa
Habitat: Grows in stony places
Description: 'Oct leaves Dec' - possibly a reference suggesting that leaves were collected in December
Miscellaneous notes: Shire (Shiri) Highlands are in what was called British Central Africa, which included the British protectorates in south central Africa north of the Zambezi. The area known by this name was confined to 'Nyassaland' in 1893 which was the area around lake Nyassa, encompassing various different countries
Kind of specimen: HERBARIUM SHEET
Barcode: E00193487
Herbarium region: 10 (Tropical Africa)
Number of sheets: 1
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet