Family: Scrophulariaceae
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Zaluzianskya schmitziae Hilliard & B. L.Burtt
Isotype of Zaluzianskya schmitziae Hilliard & B. L.Burtt
Collector/Expedition: Hilliard, Olive M. & Burtt, Brian L.
Collection number: 12058
Collection date: 11th January 1979
Country/Territory: Lesotho
Collecting locality: Lesotho:2927 BD Maseru District, Mathalang Valley near Molino Nthuse Pass
Habitat: In loose slip soil / in stony grassland.
Description: In loose slip soil often much tufted from base; in stony grassland often single-stemmed. Flowers regular 10-15mm diam. opening at night. Tube flushed red, lobes deep red. Outside white and glabrous within, slightly reflexed when fully open; circlet of hairs at the mouth of tube.
Kind of specimen: HERBARIUM SHEET
Barcode: E00193361
Herbarium region: 12 (Southern Africa)
Number of sheets: 1
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet