Family: Cucurbitaceae
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Cucumis silentvallayi (Manilal, T. Sabu & Mathew, P. ) Ghebret. & Thulin
Name Det. qual. Type of det. Det. based on specimen Det. by and when Institution
Melothria ritchiei Chakrav.Det.E00187896 15th April 1947
Cucumis silentvallayi (Manilal, T. Sabu & Mathew, P. ) Ghebret. & ThulinDet.E00187896 2010Munchen,Botanische Staatssammlung Munchen (M)
Type of Melothria ritchiei Chakrav.
Collector/Expedition: Sinclair, James
Collection number: 3589
Collection date: 1st July 1944
Country/Territory: India:Tamil Nadu
Collecting locality: India:Tamil Nadu:Pullivasal Ridge, Kanan Devan Hills, Devicolam Taluk, North Tranvancore
Habitat: Moist clefts of rock on hillsides
Description: Native. Plants in moderate flower. Corolla small yellow. Leaves cordate stalked.
Kind of specimen: HERBARIUM SHEET
Barcode: E00187896
Herbarium region: 5A (India, Bangladesh & Pakistan)
Number of sheets: 1
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet