Family: Zingiberaceae
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Alpinia hagena R.M.Sm.
Name Det. qual. Type of det. Det. based on specimen Det. by and when Institution
Alpinia hagena R.M.Sm.Det.E00149545Smith, R.M.
Holotype of Alpinia hagena R.M.Sm.
Collector/Expedition: Stevens, Peter Francis
Collection number: 50267
Collection date: 18th July 1980
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea:Western Highlands
Collecting locality: Papua New Guinea:Western Highlands:Mt. Hagen, Hagen Sub-District, Western HIghlands District, T.N.G.
Habitat: Mossy forest, rather scarce.
Description: Rhizomatous herb; height 3-4 feet. Leaves dark green above, paler below, mid-rib reddish. Flowers: calyx pink; corolla pale pink, almost white at top; tip of staminode deep purple; anther yellow; stigma and top of style reddish. Fruit purple black; seeds black, covered by thin white aril.
Barcode: E00149545
Herbarium region: 6E (New Guinea)
Number of sheets: 1
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