Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron arboreum subsp. arboreum
Collection number: 1923
Collection date: 22nd October 1993
Country/Territory: India:Himachal Pradesh
Collecting locality: India:Himachal Pradesh:South of Bathaad following a tributary of the Tintern River in the Great Himalayan National Park
Habitat: In partial shade on light loam on a very steep west facing mountainside in a narrow cool north/south ravine, 30m above a fast moving stream with Pinus wallichiana, Picea smithiana, Aesculus indica, Salix and Populus
Description: Evergreen shrub to 8m with pale grey and fawn ridged bark much covered with moss,elliptic leaf to 17cm x 5cm, dull matt mid-green above and pale silvery green below with raised vein, no indumentum, entire, stout yellow green petiole to 2.5cm grooved above, green oblong capsules to 2.3cm with style to 4.5cm
Kind of specimen: HERBARIUM SHEET
Barcode: E00073176
Herbarium region: 5A (India, Bangladesh & Pakistan)
Number of sheets: 1
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