Family: Calceolariaceae
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Calceolaria poikilanthes Sandwith
Name Det. qual. Type of det. Det. based on specimen Det. by and when Institution
Calceolaria poikilanthes SandwithDet.E00069005Ehrhart, C. 1997Munchen,Botanische Staatssammlung Munchen (M)
Calceolaria poikilanthes SandwithFideE00069005
Isotype of Calceolaria poikilanthes Sandwith
Collector/Expedition: Comber, Harold Frederick
Collection number: 487
Collection date: 16th January 1926
Country/Territory: Chile:Araucanía
Collecting locality: Chile:Región IX [Araucanía]:Dept. Aluminé:Pulmari.
Habitat: From moist places, sheltered but sunny.
Description: Perennial to 6 inches high. Flowers rich cream above, purple beneath. Plant often carpets the ground.
Miscellaneous notes: Good. Flower-stems were frozen on January 30th in the more exposed places (snowstorm).
Barcode: E00069005
Herbarium region: 18 (Temperate South America)
Number of sheets: 1
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