Family: Santalaceae
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Leptomeria ellytes Lepschi
Isotype of Leptomeria ellytes Lepschi
Collection number: 2609
Collection date: 16th June 1996
Country/Territory: Australia:Western Australia
Collecting locality: Australia:Western Australia:1km W of Mandurah - Bunbury Riad on Ellis Road, entrance to Yalgorup National Park, ca 22km SW od Waroona WA
Latitude: 32°55'0''S, Longitude: 115°42'0''E
Habitat: Grey clay. Recently burnt Melaleuca heath over Gahnia trifida and other sedges with Xanthorrhoea sp. and Banksia littoralis
Description: Shrub to ca 1.9m high, yellow-green in aspect, rfuit glaucous, greenish-yellow, ripening glaucous-purplish, edible, but acid
Miscellaneous notes: Plants killed by fire
Kind of specimen: HERBARIUM SHEET
Barcode: E00067267
Herbarium region: 7 (Australia)
Number of sheets: 1
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