Family: Gentianaceae
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Gentiana asparagoides T.N.Ho
Name Det. qual. Type of det. Det. based on specimen Det. by and when Institution
Gentiana asparagoides T.N.HoDet.E00001759 1992Xining,Tibetan Medicinal Herbarium (QDC)
Isotype of Gentiana asparagoides T.N.Ho
Collector/Expedition: Yu, Tse-tsun
Collection number: 19747
Collection date: 7th August 1938
Country/Territory: China:Yunnan
Collecting locality: China:Yunnan Province:Upper Kiukiang Valley, (Clulung) Chialahmuto
Habitat: Alpine swamp
Description: Violet blue, marked with deeper veins on throat
Kind of specimen: HERBARIUM SHEET
Barcode: E00001759
Herbarium region: 4 (Inner China, Korea and Taiwan)
Number of sheets: 1
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet