Zoomify 'View In Link' Example This example demonstrates the display of the Zoomify Image Viewer in simple but powerful way, involving two web pages - the calling page, "ViewInLink.htm", and the pop-up display page, "PopUpPage.htm". The calling page includes a link that contains the path of the Zoomify Image to display as well as any other parameters to apply (initial X or Y coordinates, etc.). The pop-up display page receives this information and uses it to show the correct image in the desired way. The advantage of this approach is that any page can call the pop-up page. Thus, it is possible to design the look and layout of a single display page and use it for any Zoomify Image on a web site. The specifics of what image to display and what additional parameters to apply are all in the calling links in other web pages. To view the example simply double-click the file "ViewInLink.htm". Do NOT double-click the file "PopUpPage.htm" as it will not have any information about what Zoomify Image to display unless it is called by the link in the page "ViewInLink.htm". Lastly, please remember that this example passes specific image, skin, and/or watermark foldername to a pop-up page so the folder structure is assumed not to have been changed. If you move the files around or rename the folder the pop-up page is in, you will have to change the paths in the calling link so that they match the changes you have made.