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Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)
Collection number: s.n.
Collection date: 1898-09-28
Country of origin: Australia Western Australia
Habitat: Wet flats.
Description: Raceme terminal pedunculate, of 1 to 6 pedicullate flowers
[?] inch or less or more beyond [apparent] leaf.
Pedicels, calyx, slender (little rachis) of same length - [1 line?] -
Calyx globrous sepals with long fringelike cilia
Petals 5 (in a male flower) [?] while, more than twice as long as sepals.
Styles numerous
Plant not more than 2 1/2 inch above ground glabrous stem slender and [flexnose?].
Rootstock 1 1/2 inch or less in length, slender with long horizontal roots proceeding from its upper part and the remains of an old stem. Bulb at end [corned?] to rough scales.
Leaves lunar peltate and stem becoming larger upwards from base while they are returned to scales - one scale or petiole at ordinary interval below last laminar leaf and one or two smaller scales close to rootstock. 2, 6, 8, or 10 in number, seldom more. Longest [?] (2 mm) no stipules, petioles somewhat longer than breadth of laminar.
Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/28185217
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