DigiVol Label transcriptions text matching
Collector: Morrison, Alexander (Dr.)
Collection date: 1899-5-12
Country of origin: australia Western Australia
Description: little rootlets coming off below scales on upper part of rootstock and bulb is in arils of scales lower down on the rootstock. upper 1/2 inch or so of rootstock thicker rounded pinkish with small scales and 3 larger ones immediately under leaves, 1 inch, the outer overlapping the inner, hardly any petiole. a minute [?] on general peduncle a short way from top, and the base of each pedicel. Leaf not fully expanded. young plants not fully developed, but flowering. inflorescence almost globrous, no fronds unless extremely small. Water in white bulbs were [placed tinged] red after a few hours
Transcription URL: https://volunteer.ala.org.au/validate/task/28185175