OCR text
Worn FLS/
ia GLE, 10 = // 000 g#,
Geran Mnelaya .
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Type Specimen
copyright reserved
#3 ge
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Rh. lanigerum, Tage. :
j site 2203 89FuUR
Me Habit. A small gnarled tree. Branches below inflorescences cee
very stout, as much as iocm. or more in diameter. Pr
ae nee a a Se ee ein a ah ae
Leaves. Lamina oblong-lanceolate or oblong-oblanceolate,
18-22 cm. long, 5-7 om. broads; apex acuminate, cuspidate; margin
entire; base obtuse to cuneate; uppe surface slightly rugulose, at
maturity glabrous except in the deenl y grooved midrib which is lined
with vestiges of a juvenile tomentum, primary veins 20-25 on each side
deeply impressed; under surface clad with a bistrote woolly felt at
first white, turning grey ultimately blackish, composed of an upper
layer of long much branched narrow funnel-shaped hairs over a thin
under stratum of rosette hairs; midrib very prominent, almost bare,
primary veins raised and more or less clothed with indumentum like the
rest of the leaf undersurface. Petiole 1.5-2 om. long, grooved above,
rounded below, densely grey tomentose.
inflorescence: a congested racemose truss of 20-25 flowers;
rhachis stout,about 2.6 om. long, clad with a dense fawn or ferruginous
tomentums; bracts not seenj; bracteoles about 1 cm. long, filamentous,
clothed with adpressed silky hairs,
Pedicels stout, 1-1.5 cm. long, densely tomentose with greyish
much branched hairs.
Calyx about 2 mm. long, fleshy with 5 triangular marginal teeth.
copyright reserved
Corolla broadly campanulate, 4-5 cm. long, rose=purple, tube
fleshy with 5 marked basal nectar pouches; lobes 5, 1.5 cm. long, 2 cm.
broad, deeply notched.
Stamens 10, (fide Ward).
Pistil about 3 cm. longs ovary conoid, grooved, clad with a
- Were 2 ‘ 7 ne .
dense fawn or greyish tomentose of fasiately branched hairs, 6 chambered,
eglandular; style glabrous; stigma small.
Habitat. “Jab Delei valley. In middle and upper
forests at 10-11000 ft. altitude.
In its 5-partite corolla and its 10 stamens this is a distinctly
aberrant member of the Falcoheri Series. In these characters however
it is equally alien in the Grande Series - the alliance suggested by
Ward from the appearance of the plant in the field. The hairs of the
leaf indumentum are not markedly cup-shaped bub are long narrow funnels
resembling those of Rh. preptum. The distinctly acuminate leaf apex is
a characteristic feature which distinguishes it at once (flower
characters apart) from Rh. preptum with its somewhat similar indumentum.
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