OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN IU E01021091 HERB. HORT. EDINB. y | Flora of Belize Marantaceae Calathea micans (L. Mathieu) K6érn. Stann Creek: Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary, within 100m of 12 km camp on Victoria Peak trail. 200 m 16°47'43" N, 88°32'25" W Frequent 30cm tall herb, grows in dense clumps; white flowers. Tropical lowland broadleaf moist forest over granite. Valley floor, canopy dominated by Simarouba glauca, Attalea cohune & Spondias radlkoferi. Collector: Lloyd, Adam J.J. 12 With: Lloyd, Kate A. & Chan, Ivis J. 7 October 2007 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E) so} o > . CT 7) 4 vad cS DS h > 2 ° °
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet