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9) 3 Bhs ee Co} eg F n @O P © a. annette ‘es 4 : D : ry n nl HNoW 5 iis Al, UL Bat! 1G RDEH 4 SSS en Ses Sy ieoe ae Det. a Type Specimen HERB, HOST, BOT, CALCUTIENSIS, FLORA OF BURMA FPANVLAWWEG (Kathu, BHAMO DIVISION , . ROYAL ce Aiees Locality Pndine.- Mgt eg Cv pe ee) Altitude 57 S00‘ wingtiiiyay pes Date Prarea £909... 2 For i ae re BON x ee feeb p. Goll, GE, g, Cubitt } Determinavit dat. ile ( he ifr) } 7
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