OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | E00940780 =) HERB. HORT. EDINB. | Flora of Belize Darwin Initiative Project - Developing Integrated Assessment of Biodiversity in Secondary Forest in Belize Polygonaceae Coccoloba sp Belize: Corozal District, Fireburn Reserve, ~2 km E of Fireburn village, ~200 m along Kinkajou trail. 18° 12’ 23" N 88° 11° 16.3" W (WGS84) Lowland, tropical, evergreen, broadleaf, seasosnal forest: Yucatan variant, dominated by Matayba apetala, Ficus Sp, Attalea cohune, Manilkara zapota & Metopium brownei. Altitude: <10m Forest one month post-hurricane (Dean), thus many trees fallen and very open canopy. Limestone bedrock. Frequent tree 15 m, brought down by recent tree fall: plenty of fresh green regrowth; white flower buds. Goodwin, Zoé Africa 748 24 Sep 2007 with A.J.J. Lloyd, K.A. Lloyd & P. Walker xo] i) > a i) ")) ® = Cal c= io) os > Qa. ° 13)
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