OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. M@Q0589 Flora of Belize Darwin Initiative Project - Developing Integrated Assessment of Biodiversity in Secondary Forest in Belize Bignoniaceae copyright reserved Cydista sp Belize: Corozal District, Fireburn Reserve, 300m along Kinkajou trail. 18° 12° 23" N 88° 11° 16.3" W (WGS84) Tropical evergreen, lowland, seasonal, broadleaf forest: Yucatan variant (Cohune ridge). Canopy 20m, understory dominated by young Attalea cohune. Altitude: 10m Dark slightly crumbly clay soil, 2cm deep leaf litter, limestone bedrock, 16-36 yrs since farming. Climber growing into canopy, 20-25m, very common. Fallen flowers collected. Goodwin, Zoé Africa 198 19 Oct 2006 | with S. Bridgewater, S. George, } N. Mora, P. Walker & E. Lupin ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WA | | E00940766
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