OCR text
BOTANICAL MUSEUM OF UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI Finnish Botanical Expedition to West-Central Asia 1972 Echium plantagineum L, det. A. Huber-Morath 1974 TURKEY. Trabzon. (Loc. 290.) 3 km-S of Trabzon on the road to Giimiighane. Gentle, approximately E facing slope with rather widely spaced shrubs, Pistacia etc. Ale, 30m. AGS 295 1972 leg. MauriKorhonen No. Ilkka Kukkonen_No. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Pertti Uotila No. 19710 WA E00984660 xo] i) > . bd) 7?) ® h aS x on D ro > a ° iS)
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet