OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i HERB. HORT. EDINB. Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Flogaseb (Chale Verbenaceae Acantholippia tarapacana Botta Chile: Regién I [Tarapacd]: Prov. de Arica: Prica: Cordillera dé Los Andes: Chil - road to Putre at kilometer 96. Pre-puna shrub vegetation. 3000 m. 18°22'02"S, 69°37'49"wW. Sub-shrub to 40 cm. Flowers very sweetly scented. Corolla purple at base, lighter at mouth, yellow at throat. 15 Dec 1999 Gardner, M.F. & Knees, S.G. No. 6241 l ie INTEL TO TTT copyright ae
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