OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN \ MN E00983143 HERB. HORT. EDINB. Herb. Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh | FLORA OF SARAWAK Seventh pyvision: S. Hose Mtse Sungei Melinaue = eee es 0.9 eer Camp fo Ge 2 6'N 113 38°15'R Cc : eee A 2 ww oe ton hentai the ne. bom, ALAS CALA Le f- ’ g ce Pe Pine t io Oy eae Cn i AA es One. ten BUELL , ALR fvidtits ; a hp St (980 Date: otf¢ Oboe a z L.. Buttt oa, WF ae - & R § B. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN bt a copyright reserved oD 0 wn 2 g g =
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