OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 0 E00983058 + BOLIVIA Woy. , is [AL yy Onar a AL OICA . Sk. Flee ( Det. ©. Le (eflig Meet Cy Beni: Mamore Province =/1/ iv ih San Joaquin, Vuelta Grande, edge of woodland cerrado and savanna cerrad adjoining forest island 12°29°41"S 64°40°17"W 148 m Roody shrub, 8.3m. 31 Jul 1996 Leigh-Hunt, L. Mottram & N. Lorraine 19 MUSEO HIST. NAP. NORL KEMPRR M (US2Z) 3 ro - od " 2 a = a > roy re) 3) M@00589
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