OCR text
Papaver dubium subsp. glabrum (Royle) Kadereit Determinavit: C.A. Pendry 2010 Revised for the Flora of Nepal ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wii E00935997 J Papaver dubium L. subsp. glabrum (Royle )Kadereit Det. J.W.Kadereit # 190c? EX HERB. MUSEI BRITANNICI FLORA OF NEPAL Loc. Tadmon ,mofthok Yuoe Alt. G,000 fk. Date (2.51452 Porfisdh ud. Lkemeddcl Bars fale yer Sokal, ed HA, olmak Rock Wkel ok Man. Flom Mook, Papaver dobium L. var (aevigatum (Bieb.) Elkan Coll. ©. Polunin, W. R. Sykes & L. H. J. Williams No. 4057 Ke: o Ps i 7) 7) o . hd te Ro) = ~ roy ° 2)
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