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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wi —£00960419 Buddleia macrostachya Benth. Det. A. J. M. Leeuwenberg, 19 wb. Herbarium Vadense (WAG) a FLORA OF BURMA 8-11-19 626 No i286): Date. eee Locality eae alge | Baddleia ath: i j Bot.. eee Name LVern. Habit— 4 shrub or a ‘sma]]1 tree of the forest, common on the fringes of it. Net in flower and fruit. U Gal e(2) e Collector. G'U.B.P.O.—No, 2, F.R T)Ccnter , 22-8 62—10,0C0—V copyright reserved I
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