OCR text
SN N on g S cx | for ee plese ys Pleo— ii iI ) Free, Qeriae frrin Aa based fe alee vemh, by L 9 tas = —sstusiecetmncnsntimt coma at NE atin ier merece So rrr . i} ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN |i x Paratype copyright reserved | ree a Rr PLORA OF MENIPHR | | WEOCALILY pf BL : : | pr of ve SS, As : wna Pk pon a ae ALT oo RT. DATE eee {ee Fa ten COLLECTED L COV tire Kf} - | ia oe Dining the Gaucynment Demargution Suyuey of 1881-82, ‘ ee we hee . 2 By GEORGE WATT. 4 | 2O IB Om me Field No. 6886 Herb. G. Wate.
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet